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A motion was made by Donn T. and seconded by Jim A. at the Jan 14th general membership meeting. That motion is now here before the General Membership for a vote.

It is a multi-part motion that includes the following items. Each item is identified by a letter e.g. A,B,C etc. These identifying letters will be used in the requested voting process.

A. All decisions affecting LVSC be decided only at a general membership meeting

B. Abolish the board of directors

C. Update the frequency of general membership meetings

D. Update club Bylaws as needed and to reflect this vote as it applies

Motion Details and explanations:

A. All LVSC decisions be made only at a general membership meeting.

“All decisions affecting the direction and management of LVSC be processed by the elected club officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Safety Officer) and voted on by the membership and only at a general membership meeting.”


Go back to the management structure and execution as it was prior to 2015. This will ensure that no decision that affects LVSC will be made outside the purview of the general membership. Each elected officer has an area of responsibility as defined by the club Bylaws. Having each officer, or an acceptable stand-in as needed be present during each meeting. This ensures all areas of concern can be addressed without delay and where necessary decisions made.


Additional positions i.e. Vice President (or other) may be added to the executive branch as needed. This can be accomplished by inclusion in the club Bylaws.

(B) Abolish Board of Directors

“The concept or idea of a board of directors be abolished and any reference there to be removed in the club Bylaws so that all decisions affecting LVSC be decided under the purview of the general membership.”


Abolishing this “Board” and going back to the management structure and execution as it was prior to 2015 fully supports transparency as it did in past years. The label “Board of Directors” defines an entity outside the purview of the LVSC general membership. I see no reason for a decision making meeting outside the purview of the general membership. Any and all decisions affecting LVSC should be seen and potentially acted upon by the general membership. Decisions made outside the purview of the general membership with no clearly defined requirement to inform said membership does and has created heated controversy. Abolishing this board of directors in lieu of having the elected officers that make up the executive branch present during the general membership meeting eliminates all potential controversy within context.


If there are specific decisions, group of decisions, category of decisions, that may be decided upon by the executive branch outside the purview of the general membership they must be defined and specified. Once defined and specified by the executive branch they must be voted on by the general membership. If approved they may be added to the LVSC Bylaws. And must be in place before any such decision making process take place. This can be addressed at the time the Bylaws are updated. See item (D)

(C) Update frequency of general membership meetings

“At each membership meeting choose the date for the next general membership meeting”


There are multiple opinions as to how often the general membership should meet. Suggestions include monthly, bimonthly, quarterly and even semiannually. By choosing the date for the next general membership meeting at the end of each present meeting allows the frequency to address the then current needs of the club and its management.

I further submit to the current management that the duration of the general membership meeting be dictated by the agenda and not a clock, within reason.

(D) Update LVSC Bylaws

“Update the current Bylaws to reflect enhancements and the result of this vote as it applies”


The charter of LVSC dictates that the club operate based on the rules and laws defined in the LVSC Bylaws. To bring the current Bylaws up to date to reflect needed enhancements since the last review as well as the result of this vote as it applies is critical.


I ask that you vote for each of the 4 items described above. Each of the four items is identified by a letter. The actual item submitted for a binary vote is highlighted and in italics and is the first line under each heading. I ask you to reply to this email with your Yes or No vote for each of the four items.

For example

A= Yes or No (your choice, please choose one Yes or No)

In addition feel free to add a comments section should you so desire to share any thoughts and or suggestions you may have. They will be passed on to the executive branch.

Since this is an unusual event and away from the general membership disallowing interactive conversation I offer that If you would like clarification or a question answered please contact me by email and I will do my best to answer it as soon as possible. Again thank you for your participation.

Keep in mind the more members that vote the greater the probability the result will meet the needs of LVSC as a whole.


Best regards,

Donny T

© 2025, Las Vegas Soaring Club (LVSC)

All Rights Reserved. No Portion of this site may be copied or reproduced without the express permission of the LVSC.

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