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An Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) Gold Leader Club #3308

Las Vegas Soaring Club (LVSC)
Member Login Area

6-18-2016 Glider Contest
Many thanks to Mac for taking the Contest Director role for the glider competition on Saturday the 18th. There were 12 participants who competed against time and accuracy, and ultimately each other, for the title of winner. It was a great time, great turnout, and a lot of fun with so many participants. Thanks to all those who's the results:
1st place: Ed Jennings; 2nd: Bill Hall; 3rd: Barry Mattison; 4th: Mike Dantonio; 5th: Mac Crockett. Winner Ed Jennings received a well used trophy from a former contest winner (in's the thought that counts.)
Thanks again to all who participated.

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