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1. Do this first

(New AND renewing 

members) ---->

What happens after I 


  •  We check with the AMA to make sure you are, indeed, a “Full adult” or “Junior youth” member, and verify your expiration date.

  • We make sure the correct payment has been received.

  • We send you an email with : an ID card to be printed out and worn when you're at the field and the gate code. 

General Information:

NOTE: For new and renewing members:

1. Make sure you are current with AMA (not Park Pilot). This takes about 10 days for new members.

2. Youth membership requires an AMA Youth Program number.

3. Fill out the online application form below. This is needed for updates and for us to be notified you have applied.

4. Hit the "Send Application" button at the bottom of the application.

5. Pay with Paypal or any major credit card


Membership dues are payable by online payment only. Cash and checks are no longer accepted. 

                                                     FIRST - do this.

Online Application using Paypal (accepts most major cards)

Name (as you want it to appear on badge)*

Email Address*

Street Address*





Membership Type (check one)*

Select an option

AMA #*

AMA Expires Date*

FAA Number



Select an option

Rules & Regulations*

Electronic Signature (Type Full Name Here)*

Then - do this.

Click here After completing the application above

(includes renewing members please)

© 2025, Las Vegas Soaring Club (LVSC)

All Rights Reserved. No Portion of this site may be copied or reproduced without the express permission of the LVSC.

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